Orton-Gillingham Word List Strategies
Here are some Orton-Gillingham lesson planning tips to get you started for the upcoming school year. Today, I’m blogging about how I use my words and sentences lists. This was one of the requested topics from a weeks back on my Facebook page. Hopefully seeing photos will help to give a better understanding.
After being a classroom teacher for 13 years, I am now a WAHM. I also travel to homes to deliver Orton-Gillingham instruction. Because I travel, I need to keep materials very organized. In preparation for a lesson, I’ll create my plans based on the previous lesson’s outcomes, and print out a words and sentences list. In this post, you’ll see that I’ve used lists from Level 2 OG.
After I introduce the new phonogram card or spelling skill, I usually will have my sand tray ready the child to trace the phonogram, and say its sound in the sand out loud. Then, I take out the word list. This lesson was on the “kind, wild, old ghost” words. I have the student read them out loud to me. I’m taking notes while I listen to them reading throughout this entire step. I have them use a tongue depressor as a place marker, or a highlighted place marker. Note: Put as much ownership on the student for every task. Do not do it for them. Remember: You’re building independence.
Then, I take out highlighters or colored pencils. I usually have my students do one of 3 things:
- Highlight the long or short vowel sound they hear as they read it out loud to me on a second read.
- Syllabicate a word and label each syllable type and vowels with diacritical marks.
- Find rhyming words by drawing a circle to one word, a connecting line to the rhyming word and then circling that. See the photo below from a different lesson.
Next I have the student read the sentences. We scoop phrases and add scooping marks under them to practice reading smoothly. Notice how I have my student highlight the long vowel, and add the long vowel symbol. This lesson is also about the exception to the closed syllable rule. I REALLY wanted my students to grasp that, so we read each word out loud, they highlighted it, and labeled it.
Once we finish this part of the lesson, the word list is glued into their OG notebooks. Read my last post on What’s In My OG Notebook to see how I organize the notebook.
Using the word lists has several benefits:
- The student has a copy of the words to keep and practice reading.
- You can use the old lists to play review games or for fluency practice.
- You can use them for multi-sensory learning by using highlighters, or colored pencils.
- Use it for syllabication and rhyming practice. (These are both skills that dyslexic readers need lots of extra practice.)

I’d love to share a tool that will cut some of that lesson planning time down for you.
Word List Builder is a time-saving, web-based tool that is going to streamline the lesson planning process for you.
Since it’s all web-based…
- You can use Word List Builder anywhere.
- Try the mobile or desktop version.
- No need to bog your hard drive with lots of files or clunky software that becomes outdated.
- Updates to the site are done automatically for you.
What can you do with Word List Builder?
- Search for words with a highly unique search engine by spelling patterns, syllable types and division and morphological patterns
- Create folders to save the words you searched.
- Export the words from a folder into a template: Create word lists, word cards, phrasing templates for fluency practice and games.
- Adjust for font size, font type and formatting
- Save the templates you create.
- Print and use what you made right away!
In this part one tutorial video, I show you how to set up a folder and begin searching for words. I have a tutorial for Word List Builder Part Two and Word List Builder Part Three.
You can catch them on the Word List Builder site or on The Literacy Nest YouTube Channel.
Sign up for a 21-day FREE trial of Word List Builder. Simply create an account, login and you’re on your way!

Calling all Orton-Gillingham tutors and therapists! I have a directory of qualified educators on my site for parents to search. Join or search when you click on “Word List Builder” at the top. When you are there, click on “Find A Tutor” or go HERE. You may register to enter your contact information in the directory for only $10 a year. Families may search the directory for free!

A HUGE thank you for your continued support of me, my store and my website! It is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Hi Emily, thanks so much for sharing all of your wonderful OG ideas! I am currently a year into the OG training. I would love to have a copy of your phonogram progression. I also have a few other questions for you and was wondering if there is a way to correspond with you? Thank You, Michele michelenray@yahoo.com
Hi Emily! I just love reading this! My son is severely dyslexic and as a teacher, this truly helpd me understand what he is doing and how he is learning! I am looking in to being trained.
Hi Michele! I'll email you tomorrow morning. Thank you for your interest!
Thank you Jessica! I'm so glad you found it helpful.
I love your blog! I received my certification in Basic OG last fall and use it with reading intervention students at my school. I would love a copy of your checklist, please. My email address is alli.sunshine114@gmail.com. Also, can you talk about your sand trays? Where did you get them? Where did you find black sand? Does the tray you use keep it from spilling pretty well?
Thank you so much! The sand tray is from a Montessori supply store I found on Amazon. It came with the sand. I wrap two large rubber bands around it when I travel and that keeps it from spilling. I'll email the checklist to you tomorrow. Thanks for your interest!!
Hi Emily,
Thank you, your blog is inspiring. I have used OG for some time, but need some refreshing on some things. I was hoping to get a copy of your progression skills list. I really want to incorporate OG more this year with my special education students again. I would also like someone to bounce ideas off of from time to time. My email address is mdtaylor66@gmail.com.
Hi Emily!
Thank you so much for sharing this post!!! I attended OG training last summer & still feel like a newbie!!! Your post is very clear & easy to follow!! I'd love a copy of your lists!! You are very sweet to share!!
Thank you!!!!
I would love a copy of your checklist. I have been trained in OG.
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Hello! I am trained in OG and would love a copy of your checklist. Thank you!
Linda @ lhamilton@saintanastasiacatholicschool.org
Hi Emily,
I love your blog! I am trained in OG through MGH and would love a copy of your checklist. I'm mostly curious to see if it's similar to the one that I use (which I'm happy to share with you if you're interested). I'm also interested in knowing what you use for assessment. I have pre- and post- checklists for each level. While I use them and they certainly serve their purpose, I am interested in what other people are using. Perhaps this info is embedded in your blog somewhere, but I just thought I'd ask. Thank you! Annie ann_merullo@newton.k12.ma.us
Hi Emily,
What a find…through Pinterest…looking for words and phrases for OG 1:1. I would also love a copy of your checklist. I am a tutor and a Dyslexia Consultant trained in OG by a Fellow from the Orton Academy. Thank you for your darling artwork and practical information. So wonderful
Thanks a bunch!
Jan at… jrobards@marion-isd.org
Hi Emily-
I am OG trained and would love to see your checklists and sequence of skills. Your products are great for practicing skills! Thank you! nafoley11@gmail.com
I am OG trained and would love information. I enjoy your pages and appreciate the webstie!
I am currently undergoing OG comprehensive training, and came upon your blog post. Is there anyway, I could still get your checklists/sequence from you? Thank you!! Laura Hoomes
Hi Emily!
I have recently completed OG training as well and was wondering if I could still get your checklists/sequence from you as well?
Hi Emily,
I am OG trained and I would love to get your checklist/sequence from you! Thanks so much!! Kathryn Gaines
Hi Emily. I am trained and use OG in my class and am always looking to update my practice, Is there any way I can get a copy of the resource you speak of in this post. I truly appreciate it. Danielle G dlitefulg@aol.com
I attended the first part of OG training this summer and look forward to continuing onto certification. I would love a copy of your progression list! My email is megwallace14@gmail.com. I appreciate it!
I am OG trained, I would love a copy of your progression list. My email is Krystale@bellsouth.net, Thank you
Hi Emily. I recently finished IMSE OG training. I would love to have a copy of your checklist of phonograms and skills. Thanks! janetmu@aol.com
Aloha from Honolulu. Great site! I'm OG trained (60-hour certification). Would love a copy of your checklist. Mahalo! kpeterson@holynativityschool.org
I would love your checklist. I was trained OG years ago. Glad I found your blog and all your great resources. Thanks!
I am currently being trained in OG. I would really appreciate a copy of your word lists. My email is Katherine.moe@isd728.org. Thanks so much!
Hello! I am currently going through OG training for classroom teachers, I would love a copy of your progression list if you are still giving it out. Thanks!
Hello Emily! Thank you for your wonderful tips. I trained with the Institute for Multisensory Education. I would like to have a copy of your phonogram and skills progression. Thank you. dromano5@twc.com
Hi, I love the lists that I see posted for the OG notebook. I am a certified OG teacher in Pasadena ISD. I was trained through my district and Orton Gillingham Online Academy. Yes, please share the lists with me. jpenn@pasadenaisd.org Thank you so much!
Hi, I love the lists that I see posted for the OG notebook. I am a certified OG teacher in Pasadena ISD. I was trained through my district and Orton Gillingham Online Academy. Yes, please share the lists with me. jpenn@pasadenaisd.org Thank you so much!
Hello, I would love to have a copy of your lists. I was trained with IMSE as well. My email is chanlon@bostonpublicschools.org. Thank you for sharing!
Hello, Emily; I am trained in OG and tutor at the Dyslexia Reading Center in State College, PA. Please share your list with me! Many thanks, andreamills859@gmail.com
Hi, I am an OG trained tutor from Gordon College in MA. Could you share your list with me too? stephanie.mozley@gmail.com Thank you for making this blog it is so helpful and has such great reminders.
Hi, I was OG trained at The Churchill school in NYC while teaching, and am now tutoring in OG. I would love any resources you might be willing to share. sagross@gmail.com
Hi, I am currently teaching in Georgia. I was OG trained this summer through instructors from the Schenck School. I would love any resources you may have. melherring415@gmail.com
Hi, I have not been officially trained in OG, but I do have the resources. My question is how do you know what a student needs if OG materials are not leveled. I would really like to know how to use it properly. I just try to do the best I can. It is very overwhelming but I am not really suppose to let that be known. I need a lesson plan for each book and talk with a person that can explain how it works. I many of the OG resources. I would appreciate knowing how it works.
Hi, my name is Jade. I have been trained in OG from Institute for Multisensory Education. I would love to have a copy of your phonogram progression. My email: jadeche1909@gmail.com
Emily, Can you email me your specific checklist of phonograms and skills that you follow? I am an OG tutor. Lmnj2000@yahoo.com Thank you!
Hi Emily! I finished my OG training this past summer and would love a copy of your progression. Thank you! teachjacjac@gmail.com
Hi Emily! I was trained in OG through IMSE last fall. Would love a copy of your progression if you'd be willing to share. Just discovered (or rediscovered I think) your blog & I am anxious to spend some time this weekend reading through your OG posts & browsing your TPT store. Thank you for all your help with learning this 🙂
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Hi Emily! I love your ideas and matching the skill being taught with isolated words and sentences to practice fluency. I was trained by IMSE last summer. Would you mind sending me a copy of the phonogram progressions and the sentence/word list you use? Thank you and looking forward to more great ideas from your blog.
My email: Kansell5@gmail.com
Hi Emily! I was trained in Orton Gillingham about 15 years ago and used it as a remedial program with struggling readers. I am now tutoring and would love a copy of the phonogram progression and anything else you are willing to share. my email is bethahee@gmail.com
Hi Emily!
I am currently completing my practicum for my Orton Gillingham certification. I would love to see your progression and compare it to the progression I am following in order to make a decision about ordering your word lists, sentences and decodable passages. I am enjoying your blogs. Thank you for sharing them!
Hi Emily – I am a reading specialist with an OG training through the Multi Sensory Institute. I love how you have this organized and explained. I would love a copy of your progression. I will be reading more of your posts! Thanks so much! maellen26@gmail.com
Hi, I am currently going through the OG training. Thanks for sharing! susanwilson@sjsd.k12.mo.us
Hi Emily-I am currently going through OG training. I recently found your blog and it has helped me so much! I would love to have a copy of your progression. tshdfrsc7@gmail.com
Hi Emily. I am the reading specialist at my K-5 school and completed Level 1 OG training last summer through IMSE. I am hoping to complete level 2 this summer. What a wonderful blog you have created! I'd love to get involved with your FB group and get a copy of your progression as well.
Hi! This is extremely helpful to me. I am a special education teacher in NJ and just completed the OG certification program through Fairleigh Dickinson University. I know this is an older post but if you do see this comment, I would love to see a copy of your phonogram progression! Thank you so much. My email address is lisalaviano16@gmail.com
Hi Emily,
I love your products and have purchased many through Teachers pay Teachers. I especially love the decodable stories. I am certified OG teacher though the Orton Academy and have been practicing for the last 5 years. I would love a copy of your checklist of phonograms and skills you follow to compare to my own progression.
Thank you!
I’m newly trained in og pf and would love your checklist! Cfrazier@jefcoed.com
Hi Emily
I am newly trained in OG through the IMSE. I would love a copy of your checklists. My email is kcollins85@outlook.com. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Emily,
I trained this summer in OG through Friends Academy in Dartmouth, MA. I too would love a copy of these lists. I am currently teaching a 7th grader who just starting to build her skills in reading. We've covered closed syllables, diagraphs, blends, open syllables, silent-e.
My email is saralynn.bixby@gmail.com
Hi Emily,
I would love the word lists for my kiddos here at Oak Bridge Academy. I have never worked (or attempted to work) with so many awesome kids at once and could use the help!