Tips For Parents

Parents, we know it’s hard to watch your child struggle to read and write. Here, we’ll share literacy tips for parents, early literacy tips for parents, literacy tips for preschool parents, and much much more! Your child can succeed in reading and we can help.


5 Tips for Supporting Challenged Readers  at Home
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5 Tips for Supporting Challenged Readers at Home

Parenting is full of challenges. Some of these challenges, such as homework, or supporting challenged readers, frequently turn into battles. For kids with reading difficulties, battles over homework and reading logs can be a particular problem. Parents often seek out my tutoring services because of the very unpleasant dynamic that has emerged when they try…

20+ Tips for Supporting Executive Function Skills at Home

20+ Tips for Supporting Executive Function Skills at Home

Executive function refers to a set of brain-based cognitive processes that help us to plan, regulate our behavior, and achieve our goals. Depending on where you look, the number of executive function skills varies considerably. However, executive function skills are related to three main areas: working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. This includes skills such…

Early Literacy Tips to Support Language Development at Home

Early Literacy Tips to Support Language Development at Home

When we talk about language or English Language Arts and dyslexia, we are most often referring to reading and writing. But truly, language encompasses more. When students learn a foreign language, reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the necessary skills. For young children developing their language skills, these are the same categories. In general, speaking…

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: 12 Great Learning Games Your Kids Will Love
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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: 12 Great Learning Games Your Kids Will Love

It is hard to believe that the holiday season is here! Many families have rediscovered the fun of family game night. From board games to card games to jigsaw puzzles, the joy of offline fun has helped to bring families together. Not only are games fun, but they can also be educational. If you are…

Ways to support children with dyslexia during distance learning
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Ways To Support Children with Dyslexia During Distance Learning

During these strange times we live in, many of us are wearing multiple hats. Parent, employee, teacher, student, educational guide. If your child is doing hybrid or remote schooling, then it is highly likely that some adult in your household is overseeing your child’s learning. For children with dyslexia and accompanying challenges, this style of…

How to Explain Multisensory Instruction to Families
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How to Explain Multisensory Instruction to Families

When you’re the parent of a child with a diagnosis like dyslexia, everything can feel overwhelming. Relief over finally having answers and a plan for helping your child can swiftly turn into a feeling of being unprepared. Parents often find themselves faced with an abundance of new information, unfamiliar terms in both legalese and “teacherese”…