The Complete O.G.- News and Updates
Hi everyone! I am dedicating the entire contents of this post to those who have purchased The Complete O.G. Part One or The Complete O.G. Part Two. Why do I need an entire blog post? I am keeping a running list of updates and revisions I make here. I will list the dates of when things are changed or added along with the names of new resources. I recommend checking it monthly.
If you haven’t read my post on organizing The Complete O.G., I highly recommend it. Click here. If you have any questions, requests or concerns, please email me at Thank you!
Looking for even more tips? Read: “What Does An Orton-Gillingham Lesson Look Like?
Revisions and Updates for The Complete O.G. Part One
1. Revisions coming end of August/Early September, 2016
2. Revisions made to OG Readers Bundle on 2-6-17: Levels 1 and 2 have been revised. Levels 3-5 will be undergoing revision in February, 2017. Be sure to download and save the latest versions.
3. Revisions to the entire OG Readers Bundle levels 1-5 were made in February, 2017. 3/26/17: Revision made to the -NG pack. I added an answer key to the CVC review pack for the CVC bundle.
4. The 2017-2018 editable calendar was added to the OG Tutoring Forms.
5. MAJOR UPDATE 1/29/18: I have renumbered all the files. There are no more stored files in Dropbox. Instead, I have included them all in the bundle, so no more having to go to Dropbox! The Words and Sentences bundle just got a major revision. I have updated spacing, font sizing and made some error corrections. Please use the updated version!
- I have replaced a few pages in each of these packs and bundles to better reflect a structured literacy model.
- There are no more pages with word boxes or pages with pictures and dashed lines for students to spell.
- I have replaced them with pages to support phoneme/grapheme mapping and/or sentence writing.
- You may also see slight revisions to the text in some passages and sentence strip pages.
- I have changed the clip art images in the CVC bundle mainly and a few others to reflect what our students see in a diverse population with people of all backgrounds and ages.
- The phonics packs with concentration games have a fun interactive version to play online for distance learning.
- Finally, I have added digital versions for use with Google Drive in the decodable passages, word lists and multisensory phonics games bundles.
Revisions and Updates for The Complete O.G. Part Two
1. 7/27/16: The Complete O.G. Part Two was uploaded to TpT.
2. 8/2/16: The completed O.G. Leveled Placement Bundle was uploaded.
3. 8/4/16: Slight corrections in teacher notes on pages 4 and 5 on all packs in the Leveled Placement Bundle. Added IND, ILD, OLD, OST Phonics Pack.
4. 8/10/16: Added: O.G. Editable Words and Sentences Levels 1-5.
5. 8/13/16: Added: IGH Phonics Pack
6. 8/18/16: Added- Variant Vowels: OO Sounds Pack
7. 9/8/16: Added- Alphabet Lapbooks, EY Pack
8. 9/18/16: Added- IE Pack
9. 9/29/16: VERSION 8- Added- OU pack and AU/AW pack.
10. 10/20/16: VERSION 9- Added- EW pack, EI pack, and UI pack.
11. 10/29/31 VERSION 10 Added- EIGH pack
12. 11/15/16 VERSION 11 Added- -ge/dge pack and Schwa A pack
13. 11/24/15 VERSION 12 Added- ALL Word Family and PH Digraph
14. 12/28/16 VERSIONS 13 and 14: Added Hard and Soft C and G, C+LE
15. 1/21/17 VERSION 15: New spinner game directions for the following phonics packs: ei/eigh, ge/dge, ou, ui; NEWLY: ADDED: AN/AM word family, Common Prefixes, Common Suffixes
17. 2/6/17 VERSION 17: I have revised the completion schedule in a way that is inclusive for more products, and is more manageable for me. Thank you for your understanding.
18: 2/11/17 VERSION 18: Common Suffixes pack: Revision on page 5. Please see the new completion schedule which was changed on version 17, 2/6/17. Thank you!
19: 2/26/17 VERSION 19: Common Suffixes revision on page 20. Alphabet Lapbooks: Revisions for letter J and P. Added: Greek and Latin Roots. Be sure to read the updated completion schedule.
20: 2/27/17 VERSION 20: Common Prefixes-revisions on pages 17 and 21.
21: 3/26/17 COG PART 2 VERSION 21: Added the VRe pack and Spelling Generalization Decodable passages
22: 4/24/17 COG Part 2 Version 22: Added Silent Letters pack
23. 5/27/17 COG Part 2 Version 23: Added Three sounds of EA pack, More controlled vowels pack. Updated: On Track Assessment bundle: There is now an editable resource included for you to design your own leveled assessments. (Not for commercial use.)
24: 7/20/17 Early O.G. Alphabetic Principle Practice has been added. A small revision was made to the Common Prefix Pack on one of the reading passages. The completion schedule has been changed to reflect more time needed for the larger bundles. I simply need more time to devote to the Phonemic Awareness bundle and Syllabication bundle to give you the very best. Thank you for your patience! The latest schedule is below.
25. 8/18/17 Phonological Awareness Bundle was added.
26. 9/10/17 PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS BUNDLE: MAIN FILE: I have changed and updated all of the images on the CONCENTRATION CARDS for initial, final and medial sounds. The pancake image was changed on page 72. Directions were changed for cards 11 and 12 on page 63.
27. 10/2/17 COG 2 Version 30: New speech sound clip art for the Phonological Awareness Bundle and the Early OG Alphabetic Principle pack. On Track assessment bundle: updated progression chart in each pack.
28. 10/30/17 COG 2 Version 31: The brand new syllabication bundle has been added! (Happy dance)
29. 11/26/17 COG 2 Version 33: ADDED Phonological Awareness assessment tools, compounds, contractions, and possessives.
30. 11/29/17 COG 2 VERSION 34 An updated was made on the Phonological Awareness Bundle.
31. 11/30/17 COG 2 Version 35: A revision was made on page 10 of the VCe pack in the Syllabication Bundle.
32. 12/8/17 COG 2 VERSION 36: ADDED: Advanced Phoneme Manipulation activities to the Phonological Awareness bundle. Added: Support links to blog posts and videos.
Revisions made to Phonological Awareness Bundle: - Supplemental Pack page 114 pet to pat
- Phonological Awareness Activities: Revisions made to the directions on the Phoneme Manipulation teacher task cards.
33. 12/21/17 ADDED: Cursive Handwriting Resource
34. 5/30/18 Added: Advanced Word Lists Growing Bundle
- I have replaced a few pages in each of these packs and bundles to better reflect a structured literacy model.
- There are no more pages with word boxes or pages with pictures and dashed lines for students to spell.
- I have replaced them with pages to support phoneme/grapheme mapping and/or sentence writing.
- You may also see slight revisions to the text in some passages and sentence strip pages.
- Any phonics packs with concentration games have a fun interactive version to play online for distance learning.
- Revisions made to Common Prefixes and Common Suffixes
- Finally, I have added digital versions for use with Google Drive in the decodable passages, word lists, multisensory phonics games bundles and all morphology packs.
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Hi Emily! Can you please explain how bundle 1 and 2 are different? I already have bundle 1 and want to be sure it is not an overlap of information 🙂
Hi Emily,
I purchased the OG 1 & 2 hard drive, so not exactly sure how I will find an update notice on TPT purchases?