My January/February Newsletter And More!
Greetings TRT/OG friends! I have three important things to share with you.
1. My bimonthly newsletter is available for you to download for free! Just click on the owl in the right sidebar that says, “Click here to read my newsletters.” This month is full of information about my movie screening, where to find OG training, the new collaborative blog, the upcoming blog hop, preparing your child with appropriate test-taking accommodations and a recommended children’s books with a wintery or Valentine’s Day theme. PHEW! That’s a lot for one little newsletter! I want to say a very special thank you to Wendy Darcy from Ms. D’s Literacy Lab for her wonderful guest article on self monitoring strategies. I can’t wait for you to read it. Please share the newsletter with an educator friend. Thank you and enjoy!
2. I’m starting a new weekly blog post called Mentor Monday. Each week I will feature a picture book to use as a mentor text for a particular literacy skill or strategy. Teacher bloggers will have an opportunity to link up their own picture book suggestions as well. The first Mentor Monday will be on 1/20/14. I’ll feature one of my favorite picture books for small moment writing. I hope you’ll be back to check it out!
3. Finally, I’m guest blogging on The Teacher’s Chair on 1/19/14. Be sure to stop by and read my post on close reading. I’ve found some wonderful freebies to share with you too! A huge thank you to Tracey for hosting me!
See you all back here on 1/20/14 for Mentor Monday!