Trading Spaces Tuesday
Happy Tuesday everyone! Please welcome Jessica from Hanging Out In First to my blog! A group of my fabulous teacher blogger friends are blog swapping today. You can view my post about multi-sensory spelling strategies at Ripper Resources. Thank you Jessica, for writing a wonderful post on The Reading Tutor/OG!
It is Trading Spaces Tuesday and a bunch of teachers have traded places to share with you lots of new reading strategies!
I am sharing with you some of my favorite sight word activities. I like to include sight words as a part of my word work each day.
In my school, we use the Fry’s Word list. According to Fry’s research, the first 300 words on his list, called instant words, make up 65% of all written text. As a school, we have divided up the list so that each grade level is working on a portion of these 1000 sight words. In first grade, we are responsible for Lists 2-3. This means that by the end of first grade, each of our students will have been exposed to all of the instant words and will hopefully have mastered a good portion of them!
So, here are some of the fun ways that I teach sight words!
1. Sight Word Hunts – We hunt for sight words in all sorts of ways. We hunt for them when we read using our sight word finders! I made these simple sight word finders for each student and you can get them for free in my store.
2. Read and Write the Room – I have posted sight words all over my classroom. My students love to read and write the room with these sight words. They use their clipboards and papers and travel around the room finding sight words that they can read. Then they practice using them in sentences and rainbow writing them.
3. Spot and Jot – At the moment, I only have one set of these available in my store but I am working on more. This is one my students’ favs! They LOVE using magnifying glasses to spot their sight words. With this set, they get to build the words they find, use word boxes, or do a holiday write, which is a rainbow write with holiday colors!!
4. Sight Word Graphing – Love these activities! I am linking some great resources from TPT for you!
The Moffat Girls –
Color and Count –
Find so many more just by doing a search on TPT!!
5. Sight Word Pockets – I made these fun “pockets” to hang in the hallway. This way I can switch out the sight words that we are working on. They were super easy to make, I cut apart these pocket pages that I got at Walmart and taped the to pieces of laminated construction paper. And of course I used washi tape to make it cute! Now, I can have the kids line up “by sight word!”
6. Our school banned together to post sight words all around the school. Now we can “read the halls” while walking the halls! Each grade level chose a different color paper to represent their sight words. It is great having them all up so that our higher kids have more challenging words they can read and the lower kids can review words from the lower grades!
7. Color by sight word – my kids love this one.
The Moffat Girls –
Again, find so many more just be doing a search on TPT!!
8. Slap It! – This is a fun game in which students partner up and lay out a bunch of sight words in between them. The teacher calls out a sight word and the two players have to be the first to “slap” the word. That person gets to keep the word and they continue until all the words have been called. The player with the most words in the end is the winner! (Personally, I tell children that they are only allowed to “slap” with their pointer finger…otherwise it can become violent! haha)
9. Fun Writes – This is a fun way to get kids writing their sight words. They can practice in all different types of writing and even make up their own! You can pick up a free copy in my store!
10. And last, I will leave you with my three favorite websites for finding sight word resources!!
The Curriculum Corner – A Website filled with sight word resources and so much more! And it is FREE!
The School Bell
Carl’s Corner
Of course, there are so many more games and activities: go fish, concentration, bingo, playdough mats, sensory bins, etc.
These are some of my favorite sight word activities! What are yours?
So many great and fun ideas! I love using sight words with my students and really have fun getting them to read them in phrases. Thanks for sharing all of the fun freebies!
Reading Toward the Stars