
This is a featured image for a blog post about -ous or -us
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Is it -OUS or -US? How to Teach This Spelling Generalization

The more students know the more complicated spelling becomes. They begin to need to take into consideration not only sound and symbol correspondence, but the word’s morphology and part of speech. One potentially confusing concept is words that end in -ous or -us. Both endings are pronounced /ǝs/. So how do we know when to…

assessing spelling and student spelling errors

Taking a Closer Look at Spelling Errors: How a Spelling Assessment Can Inform Your Instruction

You will find most teachers of children with dyslexia are not fans of the weekly spelling test. Words arranged by theme or covering multiple spelling patterns is a recipe for failure for many of our students. Other students may manage to learn the words for the Friday spelling test, but not be able to spell…

Word List Builder for Orton-Gillingham lesson plans
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Orton-Gillingham Lesson Plans: Tips for Word Lists

When you’re in the middle of Orton-Gillingham training, you learn how to write lesson plans for your students. Part of writing an effective Orton-Gillingham lesson plan is to create a word list.  The words you select must be appropriate for reading and spelling. By appropriate, I mean you are choosing words that suit the needs…