Search Results for: phonemic awareness

Five Misconceptions About A Structured Literacy Approach

Five Misconceptions About A Structured Literacy Approach

If you are a dyslexia specialist or educational advocates for your students with dyslexia, you may be facing an uphill battle. Trying to encourage structured literacy changes to classroom instruction can sometimes be a challenge/. There is bountiful scientific evidence supporting a structured literacy approach as part of the regular Tier 1 curriculum. However, the…

Taking a Closer Look at Spelling Errors: How a Spelling Assessment Can Inform Your Instruction

Taking a Closer Look at Spelling Errors: How a Spelling Assessment Can Inform Your Instruction

You will find most teachers of children with dyslexia are not fans of the weekly spelling test. Words arranged by theme or covering multiple spelling patterns is a recipe for failure for many of our students. Other students may manage to learn the words for the Friday spelling test, but not be able to spell…

Voiced and Voiceless Sounds in The English Language

Voiced and Voiceless Sounds in The English Language

Have you ever noticed students having difficulty not only with visually similar letters such as b and d, but also having difficulty with letter sounds that seem more surprising such as /b/ & /p/ or /k/ & /g/? For mature language learners, it is sometimes challenging trying to find out what is causing the difficulty….

What’s So Important About the Alphabetic Principle?

What’s So Important About the Alphabetic Principle?

What is the alphabetic principle? To start, let’s come to a common understanding of what we mean by the alphabetic principle. This is not just singing or saying the ABC’s. It is a term used to describe a very important part of the reading process. We are really talking about 2 interconnected skills.

How to Teach Schwa Vowels Part 2: Tips for Teaching Other Schwa Vowels

How to Teach Schwa Vowels Part 2: Tips for Teaching Other Schwa Vowels

In Part 1 of How To Teach Schwa Vowels, we talked about strategies for learning schwa a. Schwa a is a great place to introduce the schwa vowel because it is predictable in its location and spelling. In addition, this post offers a lot of suggestions about teaching children about accent and stress which is…

Back to School Tips for Structured Literacy Teachers
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Back to School Tips for Structured Literacy Teachers

Late summer means cooler evenings, and back to school. Even for the most seasoned teachers, back to school this year presents many new challenges. Nerves and uncertainty dull the shine of freshly sharpened pencils and new sneakers. The excitement of seeing friends is confused by social distancing requirements, separated cohorts, and face coverings. And holding…