
Summer Tutoring Fun: 5 Tips for Orton-Gillingham Tutors
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Summer Tutoring Fun: 5 Tips for Orton-Gillingham Tutors

I am often asked whether I recommend students take the summer off from tutoring. In fact, I recommend quite the opposite. Increasing the amount of time spent on tutoring during a time of more flexible schedules is an excellent opportunity for students to make some real catch-up growth. Typical students without learning difficulties have some…

The Organized Orton-Gillingham Teacher: Part 2

The Organized Orton-Gillingham Teacher: Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we discussed modeling organization, as an organized Orton-Gillingham teacher, for our students both through our own organized space and in more explicit ways such as how to set up a dictation paper. Organization and executive functioning skills are frequent areas of difficulty for students with dyslexia. By implementing some…

The Organized Orton-Gillingham Teacher: Part One

The Organized Orton-Gillingham Teacher: Part One

Kids with dyslexia also often struggle with organization. Why? Well, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you that many of our students struggle with organizational skills. In addition to affecting reading and writing, dyslexia often impacts working memory and executive functioning skills. Check out this video for a preview of some helpful executive…

When Older Students Need Support with Alphabetic Knowledge

When Older Students Need Support with Alphabetic Knowledge

When I used to work for public schools, I noticed that assessments like letter identification or letter/sound correspondences were frequently only assessed during Kindergarten and the first half of 1st grade, regardless of whether students ever reached mastery. In most cases, the alphabetical knowledge and sequence were never assessed. When I was completing my Orton-Gillingham…

5 Tips for Supporting Challenged Readers  at Home
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5 Tips for Supporting Challenged Readers at Home

Parenting is full of challenges. Some of these challenges, such as homework, or supporting challenged readers, frequently turn into battles. For kids with reading difficulties, battles over homework and reading logs can be a particular problem. Parents often seek out my tutoring services because of the very unpleasant dynamic that has emerged when they try…

This is a featured image for a blog post about books to support executive function
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10+ Children’s Books to Support Executive Function

In our last post, we talked about the role of executive function and ways that parents can support their students with these important skills. Looking for ideas to support your child’s executive function skills at home? Read 20+ Tips for Supporting Executive Function Skills at Home. Today, we will have a round-up of some wonderful…

20+ Tips for Supporting Executive Function Skills at Home

20+ Tips for Supporting Executive Function Skills at Home

Executive function refers to a set of brain-based cognitive processes that help us to plan, regulate our behavior, and achieve our goals. Depending on where you look, the number of executive function skills varies considerably. However, executive function skills are related to three main areas: working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. This includes skills such…