Search Results for: dyslexia books

This is a featured image for a blog post about creating a dyslexia awareness display.

Creating a Dyslexia Awareness Display: What, Why, and How!

Although many schools avoid the word dyslexia, favoring “specific learning disability”, it is important to say the word dyslexia for a few key reasons. Using the word dyslexia helps to build a community of learners with similar difficulties. Saying the word dyslexia carries with it an understanding of the disability and the best practice intervention….

Understanding Fatigue from Dyslexia

Understanding Fatigue from Dyslexia

Fatigue from dyslexia is a very real concern. Imagine the struggles of being someone who has dyslexia during just one day in the classroom. From the moment the learner enters the classroom in the morning, they are faced with one challenge after another. Let’s imagine a fourth-grade classroom. The student enters and typically has a…

9 Films to Raise Dyslexia Awareness

9 Films to Raise Dyslexia Awareness

A picture is worth a thousand words. This saying is perhaps one of the most well-known proverbs. It has iterations in many different languages, and for good reason. A picture, and certainly a film, can convey the complexity and the multi-dimensional aspects of human issues in a more gripping way than words alone can manage….

back to school tips for students with dyslexia
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Back to School Tips to Support Students with Dyslexia

New sneakers, new lunchboxes, freshly sharpened pencils, and a fresh start are symbols of the beginning of a new school year. A new year also means new teachers and often some new challenges for your students with dyslexia. When a child has dyslexia, we have a particularly important role in their education. We become an…

the history of English

Children’s Books About The History of The English Language

At some point in their learning, you may hear one or more of your students shake their heads and ask, “Why is English so difficult?” or “Who made up this crazy language anyway?” Or perhaps you have found yourself having the same thoughts as you try to help struggling readers and writers understand the complex…