Search Results for: decodable

Word List Builder for Orton-Gillingham lesson plans
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Orton-Gillingham Lesson Plans: Tips for Word Lists

When you’re in the middle of Orton-Gillingham training, you learn how to write lesson plans for your students. Part of writing an effective Orton-Gillingham lesson plan is to create a word list.  The words you select must be appropriate for reading and spelling. By appropriate, I mean you are choosing words that suit the needs…

The K or CK Rule In Spelling

The K or CK Rule In Spelling

K  or CK? Is there a rhyme or reason? After introducing the FLOSS rule, the next spelling generalization that is usually taught is the K/CK spelling generalization. This is an incredibly useful and freeing spelling generalization that allows students to spell many words using standard spelling. This generalization applies to the END of words and…

Top Ten Tips for Teaching Consonant Blends

Top Ten Tips for Teaching Consonant Blends

Decoding and encoding consonant blends is among the most important concepts you teach your beginning readers. This is a skill they will use across multiple syllable types, in both single syllable and multi-syllabic words and even in reading and writing Latin roots and Greek combining forms.   Your students may come to you already confident…

effective decoding strategies for decoding words
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Effective Decoding Strategies To Improve Reading

Many teachers are familiar with decoding strategies that may emphasize the use of picture clues, meaning, and self-monitoring. Sometimes these decoding activities are even given cute nicknames to help students remember.  While we want students to monitor our students and their reading for accuracy to make sure it makes sense, often these kinds of decoding…

Tips for Teaching Consonant Digraphs

Tips for Teaching Consonant Digraphs

  Many children have some knowledge of consonant digraphs when they start their Orton Gillingham lesson with an Orton-Gillingham tutor, although few really are familiar with the term digraph, its definition, or all of the digraphs we teach in Level 1. Here are some tips for making digraph instruction multisensory and memorable. A digraph is…

Back to School Tips to Help Your Child with Dyslexia

Back to School Tips to Help Your Child with Dyslexia

The beginning of a new school year is a time of very mixed emotions for many kids. Excitement about a new grade and new experiences blends with feelings of nervousness. For children who struggle academically, these feelings of anxiety can be multiplied both for the child and the parent. To smooth the transition, there are…

Multisensory Teaching Techniques in the Classroom

Multisensory Teaching Techniques in the Classroom

  Using Multisensory Teaching Techniques Multisensory learning strategies are crucial not just for kids with dyslexia, or within Orton-Gillingham lesson plans, it is good solid teaching for ALL students. Incorporating multisensory learning tools into your classroom lessons will not replace intervention services, but it will make classroom lessons more accessible to students with learning differences.  …

Tips For Error Correction in Your Orton-Gillingham Lessons

Tips For Error Correction in Your Orton-Gillingham Lessons

Part of being a successful Orton-Gillingham teacher or tutor means being prescriptive. This means you tailor your Orton-Gillingham lessons and plans to meet the specific needs of your struggling readers. Just as important as being prescriptive is being diagnostic. This means that based on a student’s performance within a particular task, you are able to…