Search Results for: dyslexia books

Multisensory Teaching Techniques in the Classroom

Multisensory Teaching Techniques in the Classroom

  Using Multisensory Teaching Techniques Multisensory learning strategies are crucial not just for kids with dyslexia, or within Orton-Gillingham lesson plans, it is good solid teaching for ALL students. Incorporating multisensory learning tools into your classroom lessons will not replace intervention services, but it will make classroom lessons more accessible to students with learning differences.  …

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The Essential Reading List for Orton-Gillingham Teachers and Tutors

Today, I am providing you with a list of professional books that are truly invaluable for Orton-Gillingham teachers and tutors. Whether you are just starting out on your journey with writing Orton-Gillingham lesson plans, in the middle of a practicum, starting a private practice, working in an elementary school, or a seasoned educator who’s used…

A Year In The Life of The Literacy Nest

Wrapping up a whole year as a certified dyslexia practitioner, I look at the accomplishments, the progress made and the people I have reached. Through the power of the Orton-Gillingham approach, a structured literacy methodology, and dyslexia awareness spread through social media, I’ve been able to reach parents and other educators all over the world….

5 Sneaky Ways to Improve Handwriting

Students with dyslexia frequently struggle to have legible and fluent handwriting. In a world surrounded by computers, it can be easy to let handwriting slip through the cracks or decide it is unimportant. However, there are several good reasons to spend some time on cursive handwriting practice, whether you are a classroom teacher, support teacher…


What Does An Orton-Gillingham Lesson Look Like?

What Does an Orton-Gillingham Lesson Look Like? If you were to observe an Orton-Gillingham lesson such as Wilson, SPIRE or Barton, they would have similarities, but also plenty of differences. The same is true of a non-program-specific Orton-Gillingham lesson plan that follows the Orton-Gillingham approach. The exact lesson sequence may differ depending on where the teacher was…

Visualizing Spelling Choices: Strategies For Spelling Success

It’s been a busy summer in the world of Orton-Gillingham this summer! I am always seeking new books, materials and lesson ideas for using the Orton-Gillingham approach, and today I am back to share some wonderful teaching tips for teaching spelling strategies. I apologize for the summer hiatus from blogging, but things are picking back…

How to Get Your Dyslexic Child Engaged and Excited About Summer Reading

  Getting your dyslexia child to want to read this summer can sometimes be a challenge. I have students whose moms reveal their kids will simply not pick up a book on their own. They will however, if mom or dad initiates it, and provides a bit of support like reading together, reading aloud or…