
Looking for tips to improve spelling? Check out our spelling tips for students. These tips will help you with teaching spelling and spelling words.

Taking a Closer Look at Spelling Errors: How a Spelling Assessment Can Inform Your Instruction

Taking a Closer Look at Spelling Errors: How a Spelling Assessment Can Inform Your Instruction

You will find most teachers of children with dyslexia are not fans of the weekly spelling test. Words arranged by theme or covering multiple spelling patterns is a recipe for failure for many of our students. Other students may manage to learn the words for the Friday spelling test, but not be able to spell…

Is it -GE or -DGE? How to Teach This Spelling Generalization

Is it -GE or -DGE? How to Teach This Spelling Generalization

GE or DGE? Your student knows more than they think! Whether to use -ge or -dge at the end of a word is the fourth of the short vowel spelling generalizations. Teaching the GE/DGE Spelling Generalization This spelling generalization states: Some words that follow this generalization include: Bridge             fudge               ledge               badge              lodge Bulge               hinge               large               …

Spelling Choices for Long O: Tips for Teaching this Spelling Generalization

Spelling Choices for Long O: Tips for Teaching this Spelling Generalization

Some spelling considerations are less about clear rules to follow than frequency and expectations. Such is the case for spelling the long o sound. O-e is the most common spelling for the long o sound in the middle of a word, but oa isn’t far behind. Ow is the most common way to spell the…