
Fourth of July Blog Hop: July 4-6


Welcome to the Fourth of July Blog hop everyone! I’m so glad you stopped by my blog today. I’m sure many of you are spending this holiday weekend relaxing with family and friends. As a kid growing up in the Boston area, my family and I would head to the Charles River every year to watch the fireworks. You could hear the amazing Boston Pops playing in the distance.

We tended to stay on the Memorial Drive side of the Charles River  to watch the show, and to avoid the enormous crowds on the Esplanade. My siblings and cousins and I would wave our light sticks and sparklers, eat tons of treats, and scream with delight as each spray of light filled the sky. Later that night, my Dad would put me on his shoulders to make the hectic trip back to the car. In a few years, I’ll bring my own children to see the fireworks and I’ll be able to relive those memories over again through them.

Since we’re feeling patriotic this weekend, I thought I would share a sampler of my newly updated Revolutionary War Heroes Biography Genre Unit and Lap book. It combines reading and research, QR codes and the writing process all within the lap book, which is a creative way to organize and showcase learning within a file folder.

Here is a collage showing the way I’ve assembled it. There are six trading cards, with five of them featuring a patriot of the American Revolution. When you scan the QR code with a QR reader app on any mobile device, it will take you to a kid friendly website for your students to read and research this famous person. QR stands for quick response. You can see how I made one of the trading cards with Benjamin Franklin below. My students have loved using QR codes. It’s much safer than having them browse the internet too.

You can see the full version of this sampler in my store and my other lap book products. I recently updated it to add my new Storybands. Here are a few pics of Paul Revere. Note: The 2 year old in this pic did not want to wear it, but it will fit most heads nicely! On either side of Paul Revere is space to write his name and his character traits. On the back side of the Storyband, there’s space to write about why the historical figure is famous.

I’ve also added my biography research organizers. I’ve used these organizers to help my students write speeches in the voice of a famous person. They’re perfect if you do a wax museum! The image below is a preview of the complete product.

Please leave me feedback if you get a chance to download. I’d love for you to follow my store too. Click here to download your free sampler!

And there’s more! I’m having a sale all weekend for 20% off everything in my store this weekend!

Now for an added bonus, this blog hop is giving away 4 TpT gift certificates and 1 Target gift card! I don’t know about you but that could seriously come in handy as we approach a new school year. Just think of all the wonderful products you could buy! Enter into the Rafflecopter at the end of this post for a chance to win.

Please leave me feedback if you get a chance to download. I’d love for you to follow my store too. Click here to download your free sampler!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. If you have a minute to follow me on Bloglovin and like my Facebook page, I’d appreciate it. I have a fun Fans Only Freebie available. Enjoy catching more freebies created by these fabulous teachers. Have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend!

*Crab clipart by Jessica Weible Illustrations

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Emily I loved your post and the lapbook sampler was superb. It had pictures for me, and so many hands on learning activities for the students. Thank you!

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